Vivacqua Advogados Law Firm originated from the association of professionals with relevant background experience in companies that are part of national and international groups, as well as in traditional law firms.

The legal service rendered based on the pillars of experience, credibility and efficiency, has made the law firm to incorporate to its staff, professionals from a wide range of segments, from renowned law firms and large business groups, operating in the most diverse sectors of the national economy , especially in the infrastructure sector, financial market, real estate projects, shopping malls and retail, as well as issues related to the Environment, Consumer Law and Intellectual Property, among others.


Vivacqua Advogados Law Firm, since the beginning of its activities, has turned to render legal service to entities of the most varied segments, with the concept of adjusting structure, operation, management and control of the companies to the requirements of the legislation. In this context it has always sought, in a conservative way, the adequate efficiency of the binomial Cost x Risk.

The performance of the law firm in the consulting and contentious fields allows the feedback of these by the exchange of knowledge and experience among its professionals, feeding the cycle cause consequence.

The harmony, the diversity of training and the experience of the professionals that make up the office allow the 360º evaluation of the internal and external repercussions arising from the decisions taken by virtue of modern business management.